Multi-Niche trade in the Crystal Trader
05 Oct 2011
Here is an example:
You have 3 niches - pics, movies, tube
You have 3 pages:
Your pics traders send traffic to pics.shtml, your movies traders send traffic to movies.shtml and your tube traders send traffic to tube.shtml
First of all go to Settings => Niches => Add niche.
By default we have one niche. It is Main niche with ID 1. You can rename it. For example rename it to 'pics'
Add two niches with names 'movies' and 'tube'. Now you needn't to specify fields 'URL / Path' and 'Uri pattern' - just copy it from default niche.
So we have three niches now:
pics ID=1
movies ID=2
tube ID=3
How to specify niche for a trader? It's easy.
In the 'edit' section of every trader we have field 'Weight in niche'. Also you can edit this field by mass edit.
If you specify weight in any niche '0' it means that the trader is not in this niche.
If you specify any number more than 0 in this field (100 by default) it means that the trader will get traffic from this niche.
Sure, you can add any traders to any niche(s) but the niche which trader sending traffic to will be main for it, with most priority.
In the Crystal Trader you can count incoming traffic by two ways:
1. SSI mode when you place include code in your page(s). It is most common way.
2. CGI mode when you cpecify in.cgi files as index page (by htaccess file). You need it in the case when all traders in all niches send traffic to your index only. In this case script redirect traffic from index to niche pages.
So if you are using SSI mode you need to specify niche name or niche ID in the include code. For example:
Code for pics niche:
If you are using CGI mode you need to specify right page in the every niche settings (Settings => Niches = Edit niches), for example:
For niche 'pics' you need to specify /pics.shtml in the 'URL / Path' field
For niche 'movies' you need to specify /movies.shtml in the 'URL / Path' field
For niche 'tube' you need to specify /tube.shtml in the 'URL / Path' field
Also you need set 'Type' for every niche.
Type 'URL' means that script will redirect traffic to specified niche page.
Type 'Path' means that script will include specified page (no redirect at all).
It's all about incoming traffic. Now you need make some setting for outgoing traffic.
It's simple. In every niche you need specify nt= parameter of out.cgi (usually in the template of your rotator script).
For example:
For niche 'pics' it'll be
It's all about outgoing traffic.
You have 3 niches - pics, movies, tube
You have 3 pages:
Your pics traders send traffic to pics.shtml, your movies traders send traffic to movies.shtml and your tube traders send traffic to tube.shtml
First of all go to Settings => Niches => Add niche.
By default we have one niche. It is Main niche with ID 1. You can rename it. For example rename it to 'pics'
Add two niches with names 'movies' and 'tube'. Now you needn't to specify fields 'URL / Path' and 'Uri pattern' - just copy it from default niche.
So we have three niches now:
pics ID=1
movies ID=2
tube ID=3
How to specify niche for a trader? It's easy.
In the 'edit' section of every trader we have field 'Weight in niche'. Also you can edit this field by mass edit.
If you specify weight in any niche '0' it means that the trader is not in this niche.
If you specify any number more than 0 in this field (100 by default) it means that the trader will get traffic from this niche.
Sure, you can add any traders to any niche(s) but the niche which trader sending traffic to will be main for it, with most priority.
In the Crystal Trader you can count incoming traffic by two ways:
1. SSI mode when you place include code in your page(s). It is most common way.
2. CGI mode when you cpecify in.cgi files as index page (by htaccess file). You need it in the case when all traders in all niches send traffic to your index only. In this case script redirect traffic from index to niche pages.
So if you are using SSI mode you need to specify niche name or niche ID in the include code. For example:
Code for pics niche:
<!--#include virtual="/crtr/cgi/in.cgi?ssi=1&niche=1&$QUERY_STRING" -->or
<!--#include virtual="/crtr/cgi/in.cgi?ssi=1&niche=pics&$QUERY_STRING" -->Code for movies niche:
<!--#include virtual="/crtr/cgi/in.cgi?ssi=1&niche=2&$QUERY_STRING" -->or
<!--#include virtual="/crtr/cgi/in.cgi?ssi=1&niche=movies&$QUERY_STRING" -->etc. Just specify niche ID or niche name in the include code - it's all you need to count niche incoming traffic right.
If you are using CGI mode you need to specify right page in the every niche settings (Settings => Niches = Edit niches), for example:
For niche 'pics' you need to specify /pics.shtml in the 'URL / Path' field
For niche 'movies' you need to specify /movies.shtml in the 'URL / Path' field
For niche 'tube' you need to specify /tube.shtml in the 'URL / Path' field
Also you need set 'Type' for every niche.
Type 'URL' means that script will redirect traffic to specified niche page.
Type 'Path' means that script will include specified page (no redirect at all).
It's all about incoming traffic. Now you need make some setting for outgoing traffic.
It's simple. In every niche you need specify nt= parameter of out.cgi (usually in the template of your rotator script).
For example:
For niche 'pics' it'll be
/crtr/cgi/out.cgi?nt=pics&u=...For niche 'movies' it'll be
/crtr/cgi/out.cgi?nt=movies&u=...For niche 'tube' it'll be
It's all about outgoing traffic.